To choose a different order or to sort your links in a specific manner, please head over to the Move Lnks page. You can reach this page by tapping on the Sort icon under the Lnks page, as shown below.
Once you're on the Move Lnks page, you have two ways to reorganise your Lnks:
Option 1: Drag & Drop
From your Mobile, tap with your finger on a Lnk title and, without raising the finger, move it up or down the screen to sort the Lnk.
From your Desktop, click with the left mouse button on the Lnk title and, without raising the finger, move the mouse up or down to sort the Lnk.
Option 2: use the arrows
On the left side of each Lnk, you can see two arrows, one going up and one going down.
Tap/Click on the Up icon to move the Lnk up one position.
Tap/Click on the Down icon to move the Lnk down one position.
Below is a video demonstrating the sort feature.